I've been that busy walking (& more recently swimming) that I missed a landmark distance. I have now walked/riden/swum over 2000km for Alderhey Children's Hospital. Included in that total is the 874 miles I walked on the virtual Lands End to John O'Groats walk.
I have been completing #5kadayforalderhey for over 280 days. There have been dark & rainy days (both literally & mentally) but as the sun shines and the temperature raises I feel my mood lift too. Undertaking 5k every single day had been more challenging than I thought it would, especially on Christmas day, holidays and other landmark days. But, apart from when I had to self-isolate I haven't yet missed a single day.
In addition to the daily 5k, the calendar for fundraising events for this year are:
11th July 2021
A group of us will be taking part in an #epicswimforalderhey. We will be doing our first ever open water organised swim event at Derwent Water on 11th July 2021, the day before Lauren's birthday.
16th August 2021
The month Chris will be running a marathon, not just any marathon but one that involves running up England's highest peak, Scarfell Pike.
November 2021
Later in the year Chris, and anyone fool enough to join him, will be running a trail marathon across the Northumberland moorland. This run, that covers more than 28 miles is known as one of the UK's toughest marathons.
We very much hope we can add more fundraising events. Although at the minute, like lots of things, our options are restricted.
We are doing these events in part due to our need to keep busy, but also to raise funds for Alderhey Children's Hospital. Not for me, or for Chris or even for Lauren, although raising money in her name does give us some small satisfaction, the money will be spent to help the Mums and Dad's, Aunties and Uncles, Nana's and Grandad's, of the children who don't even yet know they will one day need the help that Alderhey can give them.
The current total on Lauren's Just Giving page is now over £20,000 and I will soon be meeting with the hospitals Director of Philanthropy to discuss where this money can best be allocated, but also what further funds can be spent on.
Any donation, either on the run up to events, or after we've completed them, will be most gratefully received. Just the price of a pint can make all the difference.